The Board
The Board of Directors is the Fonden Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping's supreme authority, and has the overall responsibility for the Foundation's activities, and ensures that these are organized, managed and exercised properly in accordance with the provisions of the legislation and the Foundation's statues.
The competencies of the board
The Board of Directors continuously assesses and determines which competencies it must have at its disposal to carry out the Foundation's objectives. This ensures that the Board of Directors possesses professional insight and relevant experience at both national and international level within or related to shipping, marine technology and / or low-carbon energy.
The individual member's competencies are stated in the Foundation's annual report and by clicking on the members' names at the top of this page.
Gender and born | Male – 1964 |
Appointed | 29th of October 2020 |
Re-election | 27th of April 2023 |
Current election period expires | April 2025 |
Appointed by | Founder |
Special competences | International Shipping, Fund, and Business Management |
Other positions | Former CEO at A. P. Møller – Maersk - joining Maersk in 1983.
Independent member | Yes |
Gender and born | Female – 1960 |
Appointed | 29th of October 2020 |
Re-election | 27th of April 2023 |
Current election period expires | April 2025 |
Appointed by | Founder |
Special competences | International and domestic executive policy making, board, environment, and climate |
Other positions | Former Minister of Environment to Denmark and European Commissioner for Climate Action. Chair of the Board for the EU Commissions Mission Board on Adaptation to Climate Change, and OECD's Round Table for Sustainable Development. Board member in Danfoss, BBVA, and Kirkbi Holding. |
Independent member | Yes |
Gender and born | Male - 1962 |
Appointed | 29th of October 2020 |
Re-election | 2nd of May 2024 |
Current election period expires | April 2026 |
Appointed by | Founder |
Special competences | International Shipping, Energy, Foundation and Business Management |
Other positions | Chair of the Board of DFDS A/S, HusCompagniet A/S, Innargi A/S and Rambøll A/S. Board member in A.P. Møller Holding A/S, A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal, Den A.P. Møllerske Støttefond, Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskabs Jubilæumsfond, Noble Corporation PLC and Global Maritime Forum Fonden. Managing Director in CVH Consulting ApS. |
Independent member | No |
Gender and born | Male - 1964 |
Appointed | 29th of October 2020 |
Re-election | 27th of April 2023 |
Current election period expires | April 2025 |
Appointed by | The International Chamber of Shipping |
Special competences | International shipping, policy making |
Other positions | Secretary General of International Chamber of Shipping (ICS). |
Independent member | Yes |
Gender and born | Male - 1964 |
Appointed | 29th of October 2020 |
Re-election | 2nd of May 2024 |
Current election period expires | April 2026 |
Appointed by | Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway |
Special competences | Electro-technical sciences Marine technology Offshore technology Marine hydrodynamics Control technology Marine cybernetics |
Other positions | Professor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Key scientist and Director of The NTNU VISTA Centre for Autonomous Robotic Operations Subsea (CAROS). Adjunct Professor at UiT the Arctic University of Norway. |
Independent member | Yes |