Thu, Sep 12
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM

On Demand Webinar | Turning point: How ambitious IMO mid-term measures can decarbonize shipping

03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
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Webinar | Turning point: How ambitious IMO mid-term measures can decarbonize shipping

Watch webinar recording here. Download slides through this link.

On the 12 of September we hosted a timely, provocative conversation that brought together IMO officials and industry experts from across the value chain to discuss how incoming regulations could disrupt existing business models and create new opportunities for growth.

We explored

  • Why the IMO Mid-Term Measures (MTM) are potentially the most significant regulatory shift in international shipping in a generation
  • What negotiators need to agree for the MTMs to drive significant GHG reductions in shipping
  • How the industry can embrace this change, turning incoming regulations from a cost of compliance into a durable strategic advantage

Speakers include:

  • David G. Victor – Professor, UC San Diego; Chair in Innovation and Public Policy at the Center on Global Transformation; Director of the Deep Decarbonization Initiative
  • Sveinung Oftedal – Chair of IMO Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships; and Specialist Director, Ministry of Climate and Environment
  • Bo Cerup-Simonsen – CEO, Maersk McKinney Center for Zero Carbon Shipping Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping (MMMCZCS)
  • Susana Germino – Chief Sustainability & Energy Transition Officer, Swire Shipping & Swire Bulk
  • Simon Bergulf – Group Representative Europe Public and Regulatory Affairs / Head of Energy Transition & Operations at A.P. Moller – Maersk
  • Samuel Pereira – Business Manager for Energy Transaction and Investments, Raízen
  • Pernille Dahlgaard - Chief Officer Government, Business & Analytics, MMMCZCS