
Fuel Pathway Maturity Map

Published — June 22, 2022

Fuel Pathway Maturity Map

With the release of our new website, we are proud to announce a new feature online: The ‘Fuel Pathway Maturity Map’

In short, the Fuel Pathway Maturity Map provides a simple overview of present barriers along the value chain of relevant, sustainable maritime fuels as presented in the Industry Transition Strategy 2021.

Each step includes a short motivation for the given color, which becomes visible as you move your courser over the step. By clicking on the step, you will be brought to a more thorough background explanation.

The map summarizes insights from across the R&D programs and functional groups in the Center. It will be updated continuously as existing barriers are removed or new barriers are identified.

Explore the Fuel Pathway Maturity Map

Learn more about the identified present barriers along the value chain of relevant, sustainable maritime fuels

Questions or comments?

Christoffer Lythcke-Elberling

Head of Transition Analytics & Insights